Autor | Wypowiedź |
2009-11-22, 12:31
Pomógł 2 raz(y).
Witam wszystkich, Jestem ciekaw czy w ogóle i jak wykorzystują koła naukowe oprogramowanie wspomagające projektowanie CAD - tu chodzi o SW. Jakie projekty powstają, może ktoś z was należy do takiego koła i jest chętny pokazać nam wszystkim to co zaprojektowali. Może nad czymś ciekawym pracujecie? Pochwalcie się tym co macie:) Zachęcam do dyskusji. |
2009-12-18, 23:33
Pomógł 0 raz(y).
Jest cos ciekawego co nazywa sie Mechatronics .Zrobilem juz wiele programow na RSLogix 5000 , ale zawsze robilem to po kolei , tzn pomysl , program , nastepnie symulacja , test . Tutaj wpadl ktos na wspanialy pomysl by sprzegnac mechanike i elektryke w jedno by mozna bylo symululowac mechanicznie i elektrycznie przed wykonaniem maszyny.To wspaniale polaczenie tych 2 firm , jak wiadomo Rockwell ma najlepsze procesory PLC i do nich nalepsze oprogramowanie , natomiast SolidWorks oprogramowanie wiadomo. Jezeli cos sie z tego urodzi to napewno bedzie to dobre . Jakis czas temu napisalem program dla welding robot na RSLogix 5000 oczywiscie wraz symulatorem , zachowywal sie podczas testu wspaniale (byla to moj projekt podczas robienia certyfikatu z Programowanie PLC ) .Podczas prawdziwego testu wyszlo wiele bledow typu mechanicznego . pozdrawiam ZK Integrated Motion Control Motion Software Motion Analyzer Motion Analyzer is an established Rockwell Automation software tool which is an integral part of the Allen-Bradley mechatronic solutions portfolio. Mechatronics - the combination of mechanical, electrical and control engineering - is a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach to machine design that helps machine builders bring engineering processes closer together to achieve faster time to market, and lower design and development costs. Motion Analyzer serves as the bridge that links 3D mechanical design in SolidWorks® 3D CAD, to the generation of a control program in RSLogix5000. The collaboration between mechanical and control engineering facilitated by Motion Analyzer helps with the design and validation of new machine concepts without purchasing or installing real equipment - delivering greater flexibility and helping accelerate time to production. Motion Analyzer uses sophisticated tools that help size and select an optimized motion system solution. The collaboration between SolidWorks and Motion Analyzer helps to quickly simulate a variety of gear ratios, inertias, and mechanical alternatives in order to choose a solution optimized for your application needs - whether your goal is to minimize cost and energy consumption, or to retrofit your existing system with the smallest impact. Create and simulate multi-segment cycle profiles to determine the best solution * Design the Cycle Profile in Motion Analyzer and visualize in 3D SolidWorks for design reviews * Validate that the profile will place your load correctly * Ensure that system components do not collide * Get a fast and accurate motor sizing without re-entering any mechanical design data * Optimize your Cycle Profile to reduce machine vibration, motor load and power consumption * Use Tuning Simulation to validate real-world performance of the machine operating with your Cycle Profile * Export your Cycle Profile directly to RSLogix 5000 to catalyze start-up and commissioning Improve your machine using optimization tools and utilities * Ratio Analysis helps you choose the correct gearbox * System Efficiency Analysis helps you pinpoint where power produced by the motor is consumed � this information can be used to help improve machine efficiency by directing more power to moving the load Verify your performance envelope and maximize long-term machine reliability * System Tolerance Analysis gives you insight into your machine�s ability to cope with change * System Thermal Modeling will help verify your machine performance across an extended range of ambient air temperatures * Supply Voltage Tolerance Analysis gives you peace of mind that your machine will function despite varying global supply voltages * Lifetime Estimation will alert you of the opportunity to make design changes that will increase your machine robustness and help you develop a maintenance schedule to maximize uptime * If you require application assistance or have Motion Analyzer related questions, please call 1-440-646-5800 and select "Motion Control Products" then "Servo Drive and Motor Products" in the Allen-Bradley call tree. |